18 Jan 2010

Alone or By Yourself?!

Greetings my dear friends! Welcome once again to The Planet Light!

In the southern emisphere we are enjoying summer and vacations time, free time, beaches, sun, fun, time to release all the tensions we have accumulated during the year gone, whether due to our job or studies. Many of you may be wondering what to do with this time, if you don’t have a plan already.

Surely all of you have a long list of pending things, all of those things you have been wanting and meaning to do but you have not had the time to, nevertheless, I imagine that very few of you have added "Spend some time on my own" to the list. This is probably because 'Loneliness' is not very much appreciated, many actually fear it and run away from it, however Loneliness can be very beneficial if we take it in moderation.

To spend a reasonable quantity of time on your won, whether it is to think, clear up your mind, get away from the noise and the influences around us, maybe to simply enjoy a beautiful day in the open, to do nothing at all and just enjoy BEING here and now. This is something we should all be capable of doing. Being with yourself is not really being 'Alone', you can have hundreds of people around and still feel alone. Taking some time by yourself benefits your internal communication, your capacity to to listen to yourself, to your feelings, heart and body, all of which are always sending signals, but we hardly ever hear them because we are always distracted or busy with something else.

The time spent on your own can bring wonderful moments, moments of clarity, brilliance, answers to questions you kept unanswered, and ultimately; the satisfaction of knowing that you are capable of creating an internal dialogue and be with yourself without despair and without feeling depressed. A wise one said: "The only person who stays with you for the rest of your life is yourself", hence the relationship with ourselves should be the best kept relationship of all.

When we speak about Loneliness, like many other things in this world, the reaction will be directly linked to a matter of concepts. What does it mean for you to be Alone?, is it perhaps the same as being on your own?. Personally, I think we are never really 'Alone', whether we notice it, whether we see it (or want to see it) or not, there is always someone ready and willing to listen to us, to be there for us. We can alone due to many factors, situations and we might perceive it as something negative, but we are never truly alone. However, from my perspective, 'on your own' is more of a choice, its to decide to be with yourself or spend some time on your own for whatever reason, and we might perceive it in a positive way, as the desire of being with yourself and be willing to appreciate it.

I invite you all to consider Loneliness for a moment, as to identify what sort of definition we have given it within ourselves and our lives, identify is we perceive this definitions are 'negative' or 'postive'.

Finaly, let's not forget that nothing is really 'postive' or 'negative', everything just IS, and its us who are used to catalog everything that comes to us, to put labels and judge. Perhaps we could experiment to acept that everything is in a pure and neutral state, treat things as row material, give it shape with our best intentions and see what we are capable of create.

I send you all big warm hugs and we will meet again soon!

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